make your life worth loving

Life, how would you define it? Is it merely because of the beating of our hearts and the breathing that makes us say we have life itself?

Each passing day, I find it hard to live my life. With lots of problem along the way, sometimes I feel I want to give up. People see me laugh. Funny huh? But behind those laughter is a lost, sad soul. I don’t really know why? One would think I’m crazy because I should know the answer for this is my life, but that I don’t have and it is confusing me. It’s like I’m searching for something beyond the unknown. I am empty. Sooner or later one will see me lying on a coffin and that’s just it. Memories of me will be erased as the soil eat my decaying body. I don’t appreciate life as one should.

One day as I was watching TV, I saw those forsaken people affected by calamities, some of which try to salvage what is left for them. People being killed without dignity. Left to rot somewhere, while loved ones longed and hoped to see them once again. People who are ill, hoping they could get medicines that will help them overcome illness. I can’t help but sigh.

“Why do I complain?”

“What’s wrong with my life?”

And I found the answer as, I complained because I feel unloved, but there is nothing wrong with my life.

I am still lucky. Those people out there fight for survival. Those whose life were taken , would have wanted to live longer, and those who are sick , wanted a life free from illness.

I rant and keep looking for the flaws when all the while I’m blessed. Yes, problems are present, but they are the ones that keep us from believing that we have to live. That we have to get on with life, for living is such a sweet existence.

We appreciate what we have only if it was taken away from us. We have only one life to live. We were given a chance at one point in our life to fight for our lives, we experience illness, accidents and broken hearts. These makes us who we are. How we survived our daily challenge is what life brings us.

I used to wonder when will my life end? Is it a wonderful place to be, just like what others says, that it a place where problems no longer exist. Or it is a place where unending sadness will be felt? No one could answer that, for the place of unknown is beyond our reach.

But each of us has our own destiny. How we deal with it is within our hands with our Creators’ guidance and at the end of the day and our time, its not the material things that we gained and the wealth we acquired which is important but how we live.

We can’t buy life………we live with it.

