Smile and be proud

“Don’t worry it’s going to be ok.
It’s ok to cry, it’s ok to be afraid, it’s ok to be weak,
it’s ok to be vulnerable, it’s ok to be human.”

“i know things are tough right now, and i wish there were something I could do or say to lift you up and make you feel better.

I realize that it is must like this time in your life will never end, but this very moment is just that “a moment”. It will pass and give way to better times.

Don’t be afraid to feel what you’re feeling. Try to remember that you are not alone. Remember that you are very loved, very needed, and very special.

I know it’s not easy, but you are strong and beautiful person. You will get through this, and when you do, you will be stronger and more beautiful than you already are”

You shouldn’t give up. Fight for yourself and who you are. You’ve got to go through the worst times in life to get the best.
