how to get 10,000 Facebook likes

There are actually 2 ways by which you can gather likes on Facebook. The first way is called Organic. It is the hardest and the most promising. It is hard because you either need to be a popular celebrity or an influential business tycoon for people to like your page without the essential marketing. On the other hand, having exceptional content will also compel them to like your page and long for more information you are providing through that page. It is the most promising because it lasts. The authority you build through your Facebook fan page will stick to people’s mind for the longest time. They will remember you for the great content you provide and you will be recognized in your niche of interest.

The second way is the artificial means and this is where we will focus in our discussion. In this way you will somehow manipulate the playing field in a good sense. There are also two ways that you can make people like your page in this method. The first is you can buy likes. It’s like buying votes. This is super expensive. Imagine buying a like for $2, that’s $200 for a hundred likes and for a thousand likes you’ll need $2000. You need to be Richie-rich to have 10,000+ likes on your business’ Facebook fan page.

But there’s still the second way in the artificial means of getting more likes and it is creating the demand. Through this way, you will give the reason why people need to like your page. There are a lot of techniques in doing this. For one, you can run a contest on your fan page where you’ll give away a trip to the Philippines, or you can give away gadgets like an IPAD and other prices you think the people in your niche are interested. Today, there is no better way to gather likes on Facebook other than running a contest that will force or will let people like your page.
