Learn to get over your ex' -Love bug

Your Ex is your past. Stop dwelling over him/her and learn to live in the present. It may not be easy for all but there is always some support and pointers which will help you see things clearer.
1) It is really over. So don’t hang around him/her. Don’t jump to answer his/her email, phone calls or even visiting the places where you once spent time together.
2) There is nothing left to talk and discuss when the final separation has happened. Don’t beg or cry or make blank phone calls. Even at desperate moments, if you can talk your way back into his/her arms, it is only a temporary reprieve. She/He already knows you want her back and he/she doesn’t care. Take that as a sign.
3) Streamline your thought and emotions. Focus on the heart and negative, weepy feelings on paper. Express yourself completely and then destroy the letter. Don’t send it to your Ex. You may never know that your Ex may actually find it funny seeing your pathetic state and discuss it with other friends.
4) Find new places to hangout. Don’t meet your Ex’s friends. If your friends still want to keep in touch with your Ex, then it is best that you avoid them atleast for a while. A true friend will understand what you are going through and leave the friendship of your Ex. In these trying times, you will know exactly how true and genuine friends around you are.
5) Throw away; discard the gifts and souvenirs that your ex had given you. Keeping them around will only make things worse.

With time you will slowly understand and then the healing will begin. Life doesn’t remain the same for everyone so good times will roll in again. Just don’t lose hope.
