Coffee for weight loss??

There's a lot of issues and topics in the health and weight loss industry now adays.but i believe drinking coffee for health and weight loss has been left unsettled.different views from different people whether bias or unbiased, has really made this topic difficult to come to conclusion. but here i go,ive got something from my www research, and studying, I able to come up with the unbiased truth on the topic drinking coffee for health and weight loss.

lets start in clearing the myths you might heard agains coffee that have been proven wrong.

First, the caffeine in coffee does not increase the risk of heart disease,or certain types of cancers. The truth is coffee actually decreases the risks or has absolutely no effect on these health conditions when coffee consumption is taken in MODERATION.

Second, everytime that the coffee declares as a drug because of its drug like qualities like addiction, a stimulant, and mood altering. These things can become a problem without moderation a discipline but coffee being one of the healthiest beverages out there, I would rather have people drinking coffee than soda pops or sugar drinks.

Third, an excess of coffee increases urinary secretion of important minerals such as magnesium, potassium and sodium and uses up a fair amount of vitamin B1.

These myths have had an impact on the questions and controversy against coffee being benefial or not for healthy living and weight loss. I must point out that anything in excess is bad for you so when people say coffee is unhealthy, I can most of the time point out ten unhealthier things they do instead of drinking coffee.

Now that we are pasted that, let us focus on the advantages and disadvantages of coffee.


Coffee is actually one of the healthiest beverages billions of people consume regularly.
Caffeine in coffee keeps our brains alert and receptive of new information.
Regular consumption of coffee decreases the risk of type II diabetes and many other health risks.


Coffee when consumed in EXCESS can be addictive, stimulate, and a mood charger.
A large amount of coffee or caffeine consumed all at once can have a negative affect on blood sugar levels that influences fat burning that could change into storing fat.
Too much coffee over time can stain your teeth.

With so many benefits of coffee for health and weight loss it is hard to be worried about the few disadvantages when moderation can solve it all.

Step 1 Coffee Clean Up

Sticking with regular or straight shots of coffee with limiting extras like milk and sweeteners is necessary for achieving healthy living and weight loss.

Step 2 - Coffee in Moderation

Too much coffee at one time can affect blood sugar levels so the easy fix is reducing your in take at one time. Spacing out your coffee in take throughout the day would be something to consider and would benefit as an appetite suppressant while reducing chances of increasing blood sugar.

Reducing your coffee in take might be a struggle and can possibly cause headaches and constipation but in the end is worth it.

Step 3 Limit Simple Carbs with Coffee

Avoiding or at least limiting simple carbs while drinking coffee would be wise as coffee can affect blood sugar negatively and adding simple carbs will just encourage an insulin spike.

Step 4 - Exercise

Exercise has so many benefits besides burning calories and suppressing your appetite. Exercise can also help regulate your body's use of insulin to keep blood sugar down and making coffee have little affect on your body. So make sure you participate in aerobic activities, lift some weights, and keep drinking that coffee and you should achieve weight loss in no time.

Don't let people tell you coffee is a bad drug and should be avoided at all costs. You know the truth that coffee actually has more benefits than negatives, so enjoy your coffee worry free about hindering for diet and weight loss goals.

Have a great day and God bless!
